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  • The end-time Church is ordained a breakthrough Church – Psa. 87:1-7/ Mic. 4:1-2
  • Jesus is coming back for a reigning Church – Psa. 110:1-3/ Dan. 7:27
  • Supernatural breakthrough shall become a core identity of the end-time Church before Jesus returns – Joe. 2:1-11/ Zph. 3:17-20

The Kingdom-First Commandment Mat. 6:33

  • A covenant to serve God and the pursuit of same, is gateway to a world of all-round rest – 15:12-15/19/ Mat. 6:33
  • Serving God does not only pay but pays the unmatchable – Ex. 23:25-26/ Mat. 19:27-29
  • Serving God and the interest of His kingdom guarantees noiseless breakthroughs – Lk. 5:4-8/ 10:1-2/17-19/ Luk. 22:35
  • Seeking first the kingdom secures access to realms of supernatural favour – Psa. 102:13-15/ 2:1-9/ Neh. 5:14
  • Seeking first the kingdom is gateway to a world of generational breakthroughs – Gen. 22:16-18
  • But serving God is not a gift nor a calling, but a choice – Josh. 24:15/ 2Chr. 15:12/ Job 36:11

Biblical examples of Kingdom-first servants:

  • Peter – Luk. 5:1-11/ Luk. 18:28-30
  • Paul – Gal. 1:15-16/ 1Cor. 9:16-17/ Phil. 1:21

Kingdom Advancement Prayer Stewardship – Luk. 2:37/ Mat. 6:6/9-10

  • The labour room of prayer is the birth place of multitudes in the kingdom – 66: 7-8/ Act 6: 4/7
  • Prayer is the sharpest of all sickles of harvest recognized in scriptures with capacity to make the earth bring forth in One Day and birth a Nation at Once – Is 66:7-8
  • Any church that maintains praying kingdom advancement prayer, can take any territory for Christ any day – Act. 2:46-47/ Acts 5:28/ Deut. 2: 24/36
  • The multitudes drawn by prayer can only be sustained by prayer – Gal. 4:19/ Col. 4:12
  • What cannot stop the believers from praying kingdom advancement prayer cannot stop him from advancing in life – Jer. 30:19-21
  • Effectual fervent prayer of believers is gateway to noiseless breakthroughs in church growth – 2:46-47/ Act 6:4/7

Biblical examples of Kingdom-Prompt Intercessors:

  • Abraham, a passionate Intercessor – Gen. 18:17-33/ Gen. 22:1-18/ Rom. 4:16-20
  • Paul; an addicted intercessor – Gal. 4:19/ 2 Tim. 4:6-8

Soul Winning Stewardship – Dan. 12:3

  • We are redeemed as fruit-bearing branches of the vine – Jn 15:1-2
  • We have the God-given capacity to bring forth fruit – Jn 15:1-2/8/16/ Luk. 13:18
  • Passion is the force that drives soul winning – Jer. 20:9/ Jn 4:29/39/ Jn 9:25-27/30-33
  • Testimonies are our most effective sickle of harvest – Act. 3:1-6/16/ Act. 4:4/16/ 9:34-36
  • Note that a redeemed soul is the most valuable treasure to God on earth – Jhn. 3:16/ Matt. 16:26/ 8:32
  • Every soul winner is on God’s payroll – Jn. 4:35-36/ Lk. 22:35/ Job 36:11

Biblical examples of Soul-Passionate Made Stars:

  • Moses; A Passionate Lover of the Oppressed – Exo. 2:11-12/ Exo. 3:7-10/ Exo. 11:3/ Deut. 34:10-12
  • Nehemiah; A Lover of the Devastated – Neh. 1:1-10/ Neh. 4:17-21/ Neh. 5:14

The Commandment of Fellowship – Heb. 10:25

  • The church of Christ is our spiritual city of refuge today – Num. 35:25-28/Ob. 17/ Heb. 12:22-24
  • Our spiritual life is preserved in fellowship – Heb. 3:13; Ps. 84:7
  • We go from glory to glory and strength to strength by revelation – Jer. 3:15-16/ 2Cor. 3:18
  • One cannot love God and not love His house – 1Sam. 13:14, Ps. 84:1-11, Ps. 122:1-6
  • What makes the fellowship of the saints unique, is that God the father, God the son and the spirit of just men made perfect are all present – Jon 1:1-5/9/ Heb. 12:22-24
  • Wonders available in Zion, that is, the Church of Christ include:
  • Divine Illumination – Ps. 73:17/ Jon 1:1-5/9
  • Deliverance – Obad. 1:17
  • Possessing your possessions – Ps. 132:13-16/ Psa. 65:4
  • Zion is the certre for the distribution of God’s blessings –

Biblical examples include:

  • King David – Psa. 84:1-11/ Psa. 122:1-6
  • The Early Church – Act. 2:46-47/ Act. 5:42

The Giving Commandment

  • Prosperity in the kingdom is not a promise, but a covenant – Deut. 8:18/ Jer. 33:20-26
  • Giving is the anchor law in in that covenant – Gen. 8:22/ Job 22:21-29
  • When kingdom promotion becomes our lifestyle, showers of blessings will continue to pour upon us – Hag. 1:5-13/ 2 Cor. 9:6-8
  • Financial fortune in the kingdom is entrusted into the hands of those that will use it to advance the course of God’s kingdom – Luk. 16:11/ Matt.6:24-33/ Zech. 1:17
  • David commanded financial fortune by his affection for the house of God – 1 Chr. 29:6-9
  • Peter experienced a supernatural turnaround by giving his time and offering his boat to serve the course of Christ – Luk. 5:1-8

Biblical examples include:

  • David – 1Chro. 29:3-7
  • Jod – Job 29:4-18

The Commandment of Acceptable Stewardship – Heb. 12:25

  • Acceptable stewardship changes people’s levels– Lk. 5:1-8
  • Whosoever desires change of levels must be dedicated to faithful stewardship – Luk. 19:12-13/17-19/ Lk. 22:25-27/ Mal. 3:17-18
  • But for our service to be acceptable:
  • We must serve God in righteousness – Mat. 7:21-22/ Heb. 12:28
  • We must serve Him willingly – 1Cor. 9:17/ 2Cor. 8:12
  • We must serve Him faithfully – 1Cor. 4:2/ Pro. 28:20
  • We must serve Him heartily – Eph. 6:6/ Jer. 30:19-21
  • We must serve Him joyfully – 2Cor. 9:7/ Deut. 28:47-48
  • We must serve Him diligently – Heb. 11:6/ Pro. 22:29
  • We must serve Him tirelessly – Gal. 6:9/ 1Cor. 15:58

Biblical examples include:

  • Paul – 2Cor. 1:12/ 2Cor. 4:1-2/ 2Tim. 4:6-8
  • Hezekiah – Isa. 38:1-5/19-20

The post WORKING FOR GOD appeared first on Conquerors Global Ministries.
