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  • The end-time Church is ordained a breakthrough Church – Psa. 87:1-7/ Mic. 4:1-2
  • Jesus is coming back for a reigning Church – Psa. 110:1-3/ Dan. 7:27
  • Supernatural breakthrough shall become a core identity of the end-time Church before Jesus returns – Joe. 2:1-11/ Zph. 3:17-20

The Kingdom-First Commandment Mat. 6:33

  • A covenant to serve God and the pursuit of same, is gateway to a world of all-round rest – 15:12-15/19/ Mat. 6:33
  • Serving God does not only pay but pays the unmatchable – Ex. 23:25-26/ Mat. 19:27-29
  • Serving God and the interest of His kingdom guarantees noiseless breakthroughs – Lk. 5:4-8/ 10:1-2/17-19/ Luk. 22:35
  • Seeking first the kingdom secures access to realms of supernatural favour – Psa. 102:13-15/ 2:1-9/ Neh. 5:14
  • Seeking first the kingdom is gateway to a world of generational breakthroughs – Gen. 22:16-18
  • But serving God is not a gift nor a calling, but a choice – Josh. 24:15/ 2Chr. 15:12/ Job 36:11

Biblical examples of Kingdom-first servants:

  • Peter – Luk. 5:1-11/ Luk. 18:28-30
  • Paul – Gal. 1:15-16/ 1Cor. 9:16-17/ Phil. 1:21

Kingdom Advancement Prayer Stewardship – Luk. 2:37/ Mat. 6:6/9-10

  • The labour room of prayer is the birth place of multitudes in the kingdom – 66: 7-8/ Act 6: 4/7
  • Prayer is the sharpest of all sickles of harvest recognized in scriptures with capacity to make the earth bring forth in One Day and birth a Nation at Once – Is 66:7-8
  • Any church that maintains praying kingdom advancement prayer, can take any territory for Christ any day – Act. 2:46-47/ Acts 5:28/ Deut. 2: 24/36
  • The multitudes drawn by prayer can only be sustained by prayer – Gal. 4:19/ Col. 4:12
  • What cannot stop the believers from praying kingdom advancement prayer cannot stop him from advancing in life – Jer. 30:19-21
  • Effectual fervent prayer of believers is gateway to noiseless breakthroughs in church growth – 2:46-47/ Act 6:4/7

Biblical examples of Kingdom-Prompt Intercessors:

  • Abraham, a passionate Intercessor – Gen. 18:17-33/ Gen. 22:1-18/ Rom. 4:16-20
  • Paul; an addicted intercessor – Gal. 4:19/ 2 Tim. 4:6-8

Soul Winning Stewardship – Dan. 12:3

  • We are redeemed as fruit-bearing branches of the vine – Jn 15:1-2
  • We have the God-given capacity to bring forth fruit – Jn 15:1-2/8/16/ Luk. 13:18
  • Passion is the force that drives soul winning – Jer. 20:9/ Jn 4:29/39/ Jn 9:25-27/30-33
  • Testimonies are our most effective sickle of harvest – Act. 3:1-6/16/ Act. 4:4/16/ 9:34-36
  • Note that a redeemed soul is the most valuable treasure to God on earth – Jhn. 3:16/ Matt. 16:26/ 8:32
  • Every soul winner is on God’s payroll – Jn. 4:35-36/ Lk. 22:35/ Job 36:11

Biblical examples of Soul-Passionate Made Stars:

  • Moses; A Passionate Lover of the Oppressed – Exo. 2:11-12/ Exo. 3:7-10/ Exo. 11:3/ Deut. 34:10-12
  • Nehemiah; A Lover of the Devastated – Neh. 1:1-10/ Neh. 4:17-21/ Neh. 5:14

The Commandment of Fellowship – Heb. 10:25

  • The church of Christ is our spiritual city of refuge today – Num. 35:25-28/Ob. 17/ Heb. 12:22-24
  • Our spiritual life is preserved in fellowship – Heb. 3:13; Ps. 84:7
  • We go from glory to glory and strength to strength by revelation – Jer. 3:15-16/ 2Cor. 3:18
  • One cannot love God and not love His house – 1Sam. 13:14, Ps. 84:1-11, Ps. 122:1-6
  • What makes the fellowship of the saints unique, is that God the father, God the son and the spirit of just men made perfect are all present – Jon 1:1-5/9/ Heb. 12:22-24
  • Wonders available in Zion, that is, the Church of Christ include:
  • Divine Illumination – Ps. 73:17/ Jon 1:1-5/9
  • Deliverance – Obad. 1:17
  • Possessing your possessions – Ps. 132:13-16/ Psa. 65:4
  • Zion is the certre for the distribution of God’s blessings –

Biblical examples include:

  • King David – Psa. 84:1-11/ Psa. 122:1-6
  • The Early Church – Act. 2:46-47/ Act. 5:42

The Giving Commandment

  • Prosperity in the kingdom is not a promise, but a covenant – Deut. 8:18/ Jer. 33:20-26
  • Giving is the anchor law in in that covenant – Gen. 8:22/ Job 22:21-29
  • When kingdom promotion becomes our lifestyle, showers of blessings will continue to pour upon us – Hag. 1:5-13/ 2 Cor. 9:6-8
  • Financial fortune in the kingdom is entrusted into the hands of those that will use it to advance the course of God’s kingdom – Luk. 16:11/ Matt.6:24-33/ Zech. 1:17
  • David commanded financial fortune by his affection for the house of God – 1 Chr. 29:6-9
  • Peter experienced a supernatural turnaround by giving his time and offering his boat to serve the course of Christ – Luk. 5:1-8

Biblical examples include:

  • David – 1Chro. 29:3-7
  • Jod – Job 29:4-18

The Commandment of Acceptable Stewardship – Heb. 12:25

  • Acceptable stewardship changes people’s levels– Lk. 5:1-8
  • Whosoever desires change of levels must be dedicated to faithful stewardship – Luk. 19:12-13/17-19/ Lk. 22:25-27/ Mal. 3:17-18
  • But for our service to be acceptable:
  • We must serve God in righteousness – Mat. 7:21-22/ Heb. 12:28
  • We must serve Him willingly – 1Cor. 9:17/ 2Cor. 8:12
  • We must serve Him faithfully – 1Cor. 4:2/ Pro. 28:20
  • We must serve Him heartily – Eph. 6:6/ Jer. 30:19-21
  • We must serve Him joyfully – 2Cor. 9:7/ Deut. 28:47-48
  • We must serve Him diligently – Heb. 11:6/ Pro. 22:29
  • We must serve Him tirelessly – Gal. 6:9/ 1Cor. 15:58

Biblical examples include:

  • Paul – 2Cor. 1:12/ 2Cor. 4:1-2/ 2Tim. 4:6-8
  • Hezekiah – Isa. 38:1-5/19-20

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Unveiling the wonders of Love Sun, 04 Apr 2021 08:56:46 +0000 “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which...

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“But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” (1Cor. 2:9)


  • It is following the steps of giants that makes a giant – Jer. 6:16-17/ Rom. 15:4
  • We shall be looking at the example of David, a man after God’s own heart, as we explore the Wonders of Love – 1Sam. 13:14/ Ps. 119:46/97/ Ps. 122:1-6/ Ps. 84:10
  • We shall be looking at the practical demonstration of our love for God – 1Jn. 3:18.


If we love Him, we will love His Word as David did– Ps. 119:97-100

Benefits of Loving His Word

  • Access to all things that make for life and godliness – 2Pet. 1:3
  • Builds us up and grants access to our inheritance in Christ – Acts 20:32
  • Guarantees Profitable Living – Heb. 4:2/ 2Tim. 3:16-17/ 1Tim. 4:13/15
  • Overflowing Blessings – Deut. 28:1-13

But it is the application of the Word that engenders testimonies – Matt. 7:24-25/ James 1:22/ Mk. 16:20


If we love Him, we will love His Word as David did – Ps. 119:162

Benefits of Loving His Word

  • When we put God’s word to work, we commit God to manifest Himself to us – Jn. 14:21
  • We are commanded to go and bring forth fruits and that our fruits should abide – Jn. 15:16
  • When we obey His Word, His blessings will answer to us – Ps. 112:1-3.
  • When we give ourselves wholly to putting His Word to work, our profiting will appear to all – 1Tim. 4:13/15


  • If we love Him, we will love His House as David did – Ps. 122:1-6/ Ps. 84:10

Benefits of Loving His House

  • Provides access to deliverance and possessing our possessions – Obad. 17
  • Provides access to growing strength – Ps. 84:7/ Pro. 24:10
  • Provides access to increasing grace and glory – Ps. 84:11
  • Provides access to supernatural blessings – Ps. 132:13-16


  • If we love Him, we will love to serve Him as David did – Acts 13:36

Benefits of Serving Him

  • Divine Blessings, Health & Vitality, Fruitfulness & Longevity – Ex. 23:25-26
  • Supernatural Lifting – Phil. 2:5-9/ Lk. 22:25-28
  • Ever-increasing Prosperity – Job. 36:11


  • If we love Him, we will speak of Him to others as David did – Ps. 119:46
  • You will be out for Him unashamedly – Mk. 8:38
  • When we are all out for God, He will be all out for us – Rom. 8:31/ James 4:8

Benefits of being out for God

  • Satan and all demons will become subject to us – Lk. 10:17
  • When we are on the go for Him, He goes along with us – Rom. 8:31/ Mk. 16:16-17/20/ Matt. 28:18-20/ Acts 10:38
  • When we reach out to the lost, we enjoy financial blessings among others – Jn. 4:35-36/ Lk. 10:7/ Lk. 22:35



  • If we love Him, we will give to His course as David did – 1Chr. 29:3-5

Benefits of Giving to His Course

  • God’s love is a giving love – Jn. 3:16
  • The love of God is validated by giving – 2Cor. 8:8/ 1Jn. 3:16-18
  • If we give sparingly, we will reap sparingly and if we give bountifully, we will reap bountifully – 2Cor. 9:6-7
  • The covenant of giving and receiving is a vital key to a world of supernatural wealth–Deut 8:18/Phil 4:15-19

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Reigning By Heaven Mindedness Sun, 04 Apr 2021 08:56:38 +0000 Introduction: We are not only called to bear fruits only; we are also called to ensure that our fruits abide – Jhn 15:16...

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  • We are not only called to bear fruits only; we are also called to ensure that our fruits abide – Jhn 15:16
  • Every harvest left on the field stands the risk of being devoured by the birds of the air – Mat. 12:30/ Mat. 13:4
  • We must therefore be committed to every scriptural instruction to avoid wasted labour – Ecc. 10:15/ Dan. 12:3

Why Must we be Committed to the ingathering of souls into Church Pt1

  • For the Establishment in the Faith of our New Converts – Psa. 87:7/ Eph. 4:13-14
  • God satisfies believers with the goodness of His house (the Church) – Psa. 65:4/ Psa. 132:13-15
  • Until the farm produce gets to the store house, the farmer is not entitled to his pay – Jn 4:35-36
  • The church is the city of refuge for the redeemed – 2 Sam. 7:10/ 20:2

Why Must we be Committed to the ingathering of souls into Church Pt2

  • For the Sanctification of our New Converts and Members – Heb. 3:13
  • For the deliverance of New Converts from all ungodly age-long habits – Obd. 17/ Heb. 10:25.
  • The Church is the cleansing center for God’s people – Jhn 15:3/ Eph. 5:25-26
  • Sanctification is required for taking delivery of our inheritance in Christ Act 20:32/ 2 Pet. 1:3

Why Must we be Committed to the ingathering of souls into Church Pt 2b

  • For the Preservation of our New Converts – Jhn 15:16
  • The church is the appointed spiritual home for every believer – Eph. 2:19/ Luk. 15:3-7
  • The church is ordained for a covering for our new converts against all assaults of the wicked one 2 Sam. 7:10/ Psa. 91:1-5
  • The redeemed must be planted in the Church to secure their glorious destiny – Rom. 8:29-30/ 92:12-15

Why Must we be Committed to the ingathering of souls into Church Pt3

  • For Spiritual Growth and Development of our New Converts – Rom. 10:17
  • The church is the spiritual center where we grow from strength to strength–Psa. 84:7/ Heb. 12:22-24
  • God ordained shepherds that feed the flock are located in the Church – Jer. 3:15-16/ Act. 20:28
  • The Church is the center for spiritual illumination that transforms the lives of believers – Psa. 73:17/ 2 Cor. 3:18

Why Must we be Committed to the ingathering of souls into Church Pt4

  • For the realization of the Inheritance of our New Converts – 2 Pet. 1:3
  • The church is the altar of revelation that empowers believers to take delivery of their inheritance – Mat. 11:28-29/ Act. 20:32
  • God opens our eyes of understanding through the ministry of teaching priests in Church – 2 Chr. 15:3-5/ Isa. 30:20-21
  • The Church is where the blessings of redemption are distributed – Psa. 65:4/ Psa. 132:13-15

Why Must we be Committed to the ingathering of souls into Church PT5

  • To avoid wasted labour – 1 Thes. 3:5
  • Until our fruits abide, our rewards cannot be fully delivered – Jhn. 15:16/ Jhn. 4:35-36
  • We must engage the wisdom of ingathering to take over our harvest field – Ecc. 10:15/ Ecc. 9:14-18
  • Tireless commitment to ingathering of souls will make a star of any believer – Pro. 11:30/ Dan. 12:3

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The Foundation For The Making Of Disciples Sun, 04 Apr 2021 08:12:04 +0000 Introduction: Every believer is saved to serve God in His vineyard – Exo 4:22-23 To serve God is the main assignment of every...

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  • Every believer is saved to serve God in His vineyard – Exo 4:22-23
  • To serve God is the main assignment of every believer. Matt 4:10
  • However real kingdom service is done by disciples not children. Lk 9:1-2
  • To become a true disciple serving the lord, one must be sold out to the lord Jesus Christ in love
  • Hence once love for the Lord Jesus Christ is the foundation for being a true disciple and hence the making of a disciple.
  • Hence in our exhortations this week we shall be looking at the foundation for making disciples.

WEEK  1: Foundation for the making of disciples:

  • The foundation for the making of disciples is ones love for God.
  • The love story began with God who first love us. 1 john 4:19 , john 3:16
  • To be able to make a choice to love God one must first understand God is the one who first love us.


  1. He gave us His identity. Gen 1:26
  2. He gave us His only begotten son. Rom 8:32, John 3:16


  1. I must give my life to Him. Rom 12:1
  2. I must give my life for His work. Matt 6:32-33

WEEK 2: Foundation for the making of disciples:

  • The foundation for the making of disciples is ones love for God.
  • The love story began with God who first love us. 1 john 4:19 , john 3:16
  • To be able to make a choice to love God one must first understand God is the one who first love us.


  1. He gave us His home. Ps 115:16 , Eph 2:5-6

He gave us authority to use everything that He has for our benefit. Gen 1:28 ,2pt 1:3


  1. By being obedient to Him. John 14:15 , 1john 5:3
  2. By winning souls and discipling them. John 15:16

WEEK 3: Foundation for the making of disciples:

  • The foundation for the making of disciples is ones love for God.
  • The love story began with God who first love us. 1 john 4:19 , john 3:16
  • To be able to make a choice to love God one must first understand God is the one who first love us.


  1. He has given me His office and position. He has made me a king and a priest.
  2. He paid for all my sins and made me righteous. 2 cor 5:21


  1. By giving my resources for His work. 1 chro 29:3 , 1kgs 3:3-5
  2. By planting my life in the house of God and always doing part of His work. Ps 92:13

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